Welcome to our website!
The Wilmore Davis PTA is excited to have a home to share important updates with you. This site is where you can find information about upcoming PTA sponsored events, meeting minutes and more. We'll do our best to keep you posted here.
We're looking forward to the start of the 2019-2020 school year. We need your support to make the school year a success. Please consider joining PTA as a member. The cost is only $10. Click here to download a membership form. You can send this home in your child's Friday folder or drop off at the school office.
I am Ava Brewer Newman, and I used to go here! Now I go to KLES. My teacher last year, before I went to KLES, is Ms.Delong! Her full name is Becky Delong. I hope you guys don't miss me to much! On my acont, forever is your guys website! I saw comments, and I thought, why don't I say hi! Anyways, I have to go!